
Main Access Hercules Power Ionizer Swimming Pool Sanitation System (2 Pack)

The **Power Ionizer** provides swimming pools with a better quality of water, while eliminating the daily usage of harsh chemicals such as chlorine and bromine. The system chamber disperses natural minerals into the water, such as copper and silver, that act as natural algaecides. These natural mineral levels can be easily maintained by adjusting the dial on the side of the unit. The Power Ionizer offers such advanced technology that it is truly a low maintenance system; simply set the dial, relax and enjoy your pool!

The **Power Ionizer System** utilizes natural minerals, such as copper and silver, while eliminating the daily usage of harsh chemicals such as chlorine or bromine. By simply adjusting the dial, the natural mineral level can easily be maintained between 0.3-0.6 ppm. Traditional salt systems can cause corrosion to the steel wall on top rails. More and more, pool manufacturers will not warranty a pool that uses a traditional salt system. The Power Ionizer System utilizes a minimal amount of salt in a unique way; simply to kick-start the process and then allows natural minerals to take over. This process is environmentally friendly and safe for your pool. There are also a few simple chemicals that help keep your pool sparkling clear!


  • **New Main Access Power Ionizer Sanitation System**
  • PH Neutral
  • Greatly reduces time spent balancing chemicals!
  • Non-traditional, hybrid salt system
  • Non-corrosive!
  • One-time application of salt
  • no residual; will not void pool warranty
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Reduces itchy skin, irritated eyes, faded swimsuits, and chemical odors
  • Pet friendly!
  • Proven technology! Years of success in all regions
  • Environmentally friendly! Less chemicals!
  • Easy to install; Easy to use!
  • **Start Up For The Power Ionizer System**
  • Install on the return side of the filter in any direction. Without a flow switch, the system utilizes unique water flow vibration technology.
  • Turn system control knob to 3 to start, making sure that the green “Active” light is on when the pump is running.
  • During initial fill, add salt (typically 40-80lbs.) to achieve a 1,000 ppm reading of Total Dissolved Solids.
  • Add entire bucket of Condition by broadcasting into pool.
  • Use the test strips provided to balance pH, alkalinity, and copper.
  • **Water Testing For The Power Ionizer**
  • Alkalinity between 80-150 ppm.
  • pH between 7.2-7.6 ppm.
  • Calcium Hardness between 180-250 ppm.
  • Test mineral level (copper) between .3-.6 ppm. TDS must be over 1,000 ppm *may take up to 3 days for initial level to get within ideal range
  • Iron and other metals should be zero.
  • **Maintenance For The Power Ionizer**
  • Weekly water test to balance all levels, including natural minerals (copper).
  • Use the control knob to adjust copper to within ideal range of 0.3-0.6 ppm.
  • Note: If the control knob is turned to maximum it may shut down the unit, leaving the red “chamber” light on. Simply turn the control knob down until the red light goes off and the green light remains on.
  • The green “Active” light will be lit when the pump is on. This will give the most accurate temperature reading as well as indicate the Power Ionizer is functioning properly.
  • Shock every other week with one bag of Refresh per 10,000 gallons of water.
  • Pour one pint of Cleanse (natural enzyme clarifier) per 10,000 gallons of water, directly into pool every other week.
  • To winterize, remove the Power Ionizer unit and store it in a cool, dry place.
  • The chamber needs to be replaced approximately once a season.
  • Replacement time indicated by the red “chamber” light.
  • **Installs in Minutes!**
  • Works on In-Ground and Above-Ground pools (3,500
  • 40,000 gallons).
  • Compatible with all filtration systems.
  • Eliminates chlorine usage on a daily basis
  • Quantity: 2

Main Access Hercules Power Ionizer Swimming Pool Sanitation System (2 Pack)
Main Access Hercules Power Ionizer Swimming Pool Sanitation System (2 Pack)
Main Access Hercules Power Ionizer Swimming Pool Sanitation System (2 Pack)

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